More tests (okay, I'm having fun)

Just trying some more test images for size and pixelization...

This was an assignment from the 2DII class I took at DCAD. It was one of the toughest and one of the best classes I've ever taken. For this, we had to take objects of different colors and set them up under two different colored lights with different temps.

For this next assignment, we had to paint the same set-up twice---once under a slightly warm light (incandescent), and again under a slightly cool light (daylight). The object of this class wasn't creativity. It was all about color--what happens to it when a color is laid upon it or reflected off of it, etc. Also, what colors do to one another when placed adjacent to one another. The instructor was Teresa Vadala and the class was great.

Granted, I'm having some formatting problems here. Why is my "preview post" format so different from what I actually get?


Echo Shi Volla said…
Those are the paintings we did last summer, that was fun!! I love your gouch and oil paintings!!!
Kelly said…
Thank you so much and it is indeed good to be up and running here. It looks like it's going to be easier to post artwork here than on myspace. I could just learn how to work with html I guess, but here I don't need to know all of that stuff! FINALLY!!
Mike Manley said…
Haha..well it's still good to know basic html even for blogger.

Nice paintings by the by.

That sounds like a good class.
Kelly said…
Thanks Mike, and it was a great class. I don't know what happened with blogger. I'm just glad they changed things in such a way that I can now access this blog.
Echo Shi Volla said…
I am just glad to see your blog is still functioning. Thanks for dopping by Kelly, I had a lot of fun painting today too^^
paulagrin said…
Excellent--your page is up, too!!
Kelly said…
Yeah Paula, I guess blogspot made a few changes here and there, and now it's up and running.
Mike Manley said…
New art ..please.....
Scott Cohn said…
Hi Kelly!
I didn't know you painted, did I?
Great stuff!!
Kelly said…
Why thank you Scott. Don't know if you did know, but you know now, so if you forget you know, I'll remind you, then we'll both know I paint. Or did at one time. It'll happen again one of these days.

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