
Reading by the Light of the Harvest Moon

Okay, that's a lie, but just a little one. I've been a night owl since childhood and have always seen the moon as a comforting companion. It's there when the clouds clear after scary night time storms, letting me breath a sigh of relief. It lights the dark corners of my world that, without it, would be black as pitch, and would certainly otherwise allow the bad things that lurk in the dark do what they want with impunity. It's the talisman we all share. It's our planet's companion, and as the caretakers of this fabulous orb (bad as we are at doing our job), it's ours as well. When looking online for the date for this year's harvest moon, I read through a site's post about it too quickly, moving on after reading "Sept 19th...". Sept 19th started just after midnight of Wed the 18th, and it was at this time that the moon was at its brightest, becoming its fullest around 7am. Missed it...again. When I looked out a window sometime after 2:30...

Building the Ship as We Sail It

Thought it was about time I started posting some of the images I've been making of the old house my husband and I purchased a few years ago and have been renovating. There will be an official statement and additional blah blah to go along with the images soon. Just need to find a moment or two to put my thoughts together.

Many thanks to Fotomuseo!

Last night I got some great news--my project is on the website for Fotomuseo! Gilma Suarez, who is director of Fotomuseo, was one of my reviewers at Fotofest this year. She was very helpful with her advice and even offered to present my images on the organizations website. Alicia was also helpful in getting me to put the proper items together for the presentation. The link to their main page is: As of this posting, the link to my images was on this page. The language is spanish, but the images are there, and the current statement for the project is on this blog in the post below this one. Fotomuseo is a very interesting organization that brings photography to the people by presenting it in open galleries on the street. There have been a number of notable photographers who have worked with them, and I'm feeling very privileged to have my work on their site! If you have a moment, please take a look at some of their images of the outdoor galleries a...

New Project (tentatively titled): American Dreaming

Actually, I guess this is a new evolution of a project that I was working on a couple of years ago. It needed to evolve, and still needs to do a bit more before it is working the way I truly want it to. This is a process of discovery, as most of my work is, and I'm loving it. Speaking of loving it, after graduating college, I took a year and a half off of any serious photo work and completely avoided the business side of it, like making blog updates, creating a website, any in-depth series work, etc, so I could get back to what I loved to do. Art school is a great way to find new and different things to experience and experiment with. You discover things about yourself as an artist that you had never known before, but you can lose a bit of yourself in the melee as well. For me, it was important to take all that I had learned, mix it with what I already possessed, let it quietly simmer for a while, then get back to work when the stew was fully cooked. More simply put, I needed to fi...

The Place I Keep

Going through the archives and putting together the website--finally. I'm uploading a few images here first to get a feel for what I want on the site. This group of images represents a series I've been shooting since 2007. It's the zen project I turn to when the highly controlled work becomes too much. Funny that it's supposed to be a zen project because it's actually been fraught with all types of hazards. Many of the images have been posted here before, but this is the first time they're being posted together as a full group. The first ones up are here for the first time, and there are new ones on the way. An explanation and rough draft for an artist statement follow the images. Summer-Fall 2007 Senior Year, 2009-2010 This is a rough (very) draft from Dec '09 for an artist statement for this body of work. It was cobbled together from a couple of random thoughts and comments copy/pasted from emails sent to my sister Erin, also a photographer, with whom I’d ...

Paintings from my DCAD days.

Just a couple of paintings that date back to '05 or '06. They were rushed (as usual) and so, aren't finished. They were fun to paint though, and it made me smile when I came across them.

Warts and all...

Well, the folks at the Impossible Project stated that the white speck problem had been addressed, but I'm afraid those specks are still present and in great numbers. Bummer. I had high hopes for this stuff, but perhaps they'll pull it together sometime soon.