Actually, I guess this is a new evolution of a project that I was working on a couple of years ago. It needed to evolve, and still needs to do a bit more before it is working the way I truly want it to. This is a process of discovery, as most of my work is, and I'm loving it. Speaking of loving it, after graduating college, I took a year and a half off of any serious photo work and completely avoided the business side of it, like making blog updates, creating a website, any in-depth series work, etc, so I could get back to what I loved to do. Art school is a great way to find new and different things to experience and experiment with. You discover things about yourself as an artist that you had never known before, but you can lose a bit of yourself in the melee as well. For me, it was important to take all that I had learned, mix it with what I already possessed, let it quietly simmer for a while, then get back to work when the stew was fully cooked. More simply put, I needed to fi...